Exchanges, Returns and Complaints

Address for returns:

Balkbrug Oost 69a
‘S Hertogensbosch

PLEASE NOTE: If an order is returned without a name and order number, it cannot be processed.

If you wish to return a product, you must return the product to us yourself. Shipping costs will not be reimbursed. Please remember to include your information and order number. Upon return, the order will be credited within 14 business days.

Only new items, without traces will be taken back.

Incorrect or defective article

If an incorrect item is delivered, we will reimburse shipping in the form of a free return label. Please contact us about this.


For complaints, please contact us by mail. Please describe your complaint clearly and, if applicable, attach pictures regarding the complaint. We will then respond no later than 48 hours. We kindly request that you include your phone number in the mail so that we can contact you by phone if necessary.